Thursday, March 7, 2013


Health & Fitness

On a daily basis, many people both young and old die or have severe diseases due to bad eating habits and lack of exercise. Exercise is one of the most important factors to everyone, because it keeps the blood flowing within the body and decreases risks of obtaining cardiovascular diseases. It’s also important to know how to exercise and what to eat.

Getting in about 30-40 mins of cardio daily should be the top priority, whether it’s walking/running outdoors or hopping on a cardio machine in the gym. Doing sit-ups or any types of ab workouts are important, because it helps digest foods that are more complex to break down and helps remove inches around the belly. It’s important to exercise continuously each day and set up a schedule that your body can get used to. Skipping weeks in between your fitness schedule usually causes your body to slow down, so once you start don’t stop!

About 90% of your health comes from eating the right foods. It’s important to eat about 6 small meals daily that contain greens, veggies and little carbs (breads, pastas, rice etc.) This type of nutrition is important to increase your metabolism especially fiber. There are two types of fiber. Soluble and Insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is the one that benefits the body. It helps the bowels(intestine) move quickly through the digestive tract.

Green tea is also a great drink to substitute with your sodas or juices. It stimulates the metabolic rate and helps in burning triglycerides in the body. It aids weight loss through the process of thermogenesis. Sodas and juices contain too many sugars that puts your body in fat storing mode. The sugars in these drinks clog up the metabolism and slows it down which keeps the fat stored and hard to get rid of.

It’s Important to maintain a stable and fit lifestyle. Being healthy helps you live a longer and happier life. It will also help you to be stress free which prevents many other diseases as well.