Monday, April 22, 2013

Jim Morrison's Bio

Birth date/Place:
    Jim Morrison was born on December 8, 1943 in Melbourne, Florida.

Family Members:
    Jim has a mother named Clara Clarke Morrison, a father named Steve Morrison, a sister named Anne and a brother named Andy. Jim is the oldest of them all while Anne is the middle child and Andy is the youngest. Jim didn’t necessarily have a spouse, but had a few lovers. When he was young, about the age of fourteen, he had a girlfriend named Tandy for a few years. After becoming more famous and popular, he would have as many girlfriends as he pleased.

Childhood/School life:
    Jim’s father (Steve) served as an executive officer and would travel a lot. When Jim was about six months, his father left to go the pacific to fly hellcats from aircraft carriers. For about three years, Jim and his mother lived with Steve’s parents while his father was out on base. His father then returned in the year of 1946. In 1952, Jim’s father again was sent to Korea while the rest of the family moved to Clairemont, Ca. Between the years of 1955-1957, which Jim was in his seventh to eighth grade years, Jim enrolled in Albuquerque public school. During this time, Jim was gaining interest in music but after 1957, his parents realized that he began losing that interest in it. He would draw unusual and sexual scenes of men instead which was very weird. in 1958, Jim came to Alexandria, Virginia from California. He would stay with his father’s navy friends who had a son just about his age.

    Jim loved music but lost interest in because of taking lessons. He wanted to do his own thing and learn on his own. He would occasionally write dozens of sexually explicit commercials about problems of “butt-picking and masturbation”. He had odd interests when it came down to drawings as well. On the plus side, he was also a poetic, so he loved to write poetry and would keep a spiral notebook of his observations and thoughts. Reading was also something he loved to do. He had a personal collection of hundreds of books. He began singing as well, which led him to his fame. He would write his own songs and sing in his own unusual way and style. He started to sell albums and began his career from there.

    When Jim was at the age of twenty one, he had a concert to perform at in Washington. At this point, Andy was eighteen, Anne was twenty seven and his father was forty seven. His father was out on base and Jim’s mother and brother, Andy, decided to fly out to Washington to see Jim’s concert, while Anne was in Arlington, Virginia. Before flying out to see him, his mother would constantly try to contact him to keep in touch, but he would simply have people who worked for him, tell her that he was never available, because he did not want to speak with her.
    While Jim was performing, he could see that his mother Clara and brother Andy were watching him from backstage. One of the guards kept telling Jim’s mother that she will see him as soon as his performance was over. That wasn’t the case. Jim had a habit of pausing in between his performances to calm the crowd then start back up again to make them get hyped up and excited. This time, after his short pause, he starts his song up again by saying “F**K YOU MOTHER!” I was shocked when I read that. it was unpleasant and completely uncalled for. After his performance, Jim quickly left the stage and had to leave as soon as possible to make an appearance in New York on a daily tv show. That was not the only reason. He simply wanted to avoid seeing his mother as well and nobody understood why that was.

    Jim Morrison, as a young boy, had many talents and skills. I would guess that this was due to the fact that his father was never around for him to hangout with, so he had lots of free time to do as he pleased. These things such as, drawing graphics, writing poems, listening to music, and keeping journals is what led him to become this rockstar, writer and performer. He began at a very young age and all these skills came in handy later in his life. Jim started a band in his early twenties and his first album titled “ The Doors” sold millions of dollars worth. He would get offers to make appearance and meet with high end writers, editors, radio programmers, etc. With the influence of his father working on base, Jim began writing military songs. The first song was titled “The Unknown Soldier”. His whole bio is based off of how he became famous and the fact that he’s had his talents growing up.

Reason For Fame:
    He was a poet, a writer, and mostly famous for his Rock n Roll music. He began at  a very young age then started to show off his fame as he grew older. He was very well-known and had many tours from place to place and would also appear on many live shows.

    July 3, 1971 (Jim was now 28), His girlfriend and himself were alone around midnight at home and he began regurgitating blood. He had that issue before, which is why they didn’t take it seriously. Jim decided to take a shower while his girlfriend went to sleep. Around 5am, Pamela noticed that Jim was not in bed. She checks the bathroom and sees that Jim’s dead body is lying in the bathtub. There was no official statement as to why it happened, because no autopsy was taken. From previous medical records, Jim would take lots of drugs and drink lots of alcohol and they believe that this could have been the main reason as to why his body gave out. Although he was very young, the drugs and alcohol affected his body, which made it weak and old. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Health & Fitness

On a daily basis, many people both young and old die or have severe diseases due to bad eating habits and lack of exercise. Exercise is one of the most important factors to everyone, because it keeps the blood flowing within the body and decreases risks of obtaining cardiovascular diseases. It’s also important to know how to exercise and what to eat.

Getting in about 30-40 mins of cardio daily should be the top priority, whether it’s walking/running outdoors or hopping on a cardio machine in the gym. Doing sit-ups or any types of ab workouts are important, because it helps digest foods that are more complex to break down and helps remove inches around the belly. It’s important to exercise continuously each day and set up a schedule that your body can get used to. Skipping weeks in between your fitness schedule usually causes your body to slow down, so once you start don’t stop!

About 90% of your health comes from eating the right foods. It’s important to eat about 6 small meals daily that contain greens, veggies and little carbs (breads, pastas, rice etc.) This type of nutrition is important to increase your metabolism especially fiber. There are two types of fiber. Soluble and Insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is the one that benefits the body. It helps the bowels(intestine) move quickly through the digestive tract.

Green tea is also a great drink to substitute with your sodas or juices. It stimulates the metabolic rate and helps in burning triglycerides in the body. It aids weight loss through the process of thermogenesis. Sodas and juices contain too many sugars that puts your body in fat storing mode. The sugars in these drinks clog up the metabolism and slows it down which keeps the fat stored and hard to get rid of.

It’s Important to maintain a stable and fit lifestyle. Being healthy helps you live a longer and happier life. It will also help you to be stress free which prevents many other diseases as well.